Immersive reality

AV Magazine, case study octave - Immersive reality

AV Magazine, case study octave – Immersive reality

A former undergraduate IT lab at the University of Salford has made way for the world’s most flexible immersive reality environment. Known as the ‘Octave,’ the octagonal projection space can be reconfigured to many types of industrially familiar systems to assess best fit for emerging applications, and features a video capture system which the group hope will lead the field in tele-immersion.

Follow this link to see the PDF: Immersive reality Dec08


Green issues in focus

AV Magazine, applications - Green Issues in focus

AV Magazine, applications – Green Issues in focus

Everybody is talking about it, but is the a-v industry thinking and working towards being green?

The general consensus is that for the a-v industry’s being green is sometimes not possible. For instance, if you want to make big sound systems in a concert work, the use of generators is unavoidable, and flying audiences to live events isn’t going to stop anytime soon.

Still, there are ways to make a difference, and a survey carried out by AV shows that the industry is ready to go and willing to help.

Follow this link to see the PDF: Green Issues in focus Dec07